NextGen Technology-led Horticulture for Sustainable Development: 05 – 07, March 2024
Dr. Sanjay Kumar Singh, Deputy Director General (Horticultural Sciences), ICAR New Delhi unveiled the curtain for “National Horticulture Fair-2024” to be held during 05 – 07, March 2024 at ICAR-IIHR, Hesaraghatta Bengaluru in collaboration with the Society for Promotion of Horticulture (SPH); BESST-HORT, a Technology Business Incubator ICAR-IIHR; ICAR-ATARI Bengaluru,ICAR and leading Development departments serving for promotion of Horticulture under the theme “NextGen Technology-led Horticulture for Sustainable Development” . NABARD; Department of Horticulture, Government of Karnataka; ATARI, Bengaluru; Department of Horticulture, Govt. of Chhattisgarh as major sponsors.

While addressing the press and media Dr Prakash Patil, Director, ICAR-IIHR mentioned that the institute established in 1967 has been engaged in research on basic, applied and strategic aspects on horticultural crops. Presently working on 58 horticultural crops (13 fruits, 30 vegetables, 10 flowers and 5 medicinal crops) and has so far released 327 varieties and 154 technologies. It has commercialized 124 technologies to 674 clients with 1263 licenses. Organized more than 800 trainings and 6 National Horticultural Fairs. About 360 students have completed post-graduation studies. Institute technologies are contributing more than Rs.35,000 crores annually to the ever-growing Horticulture Sector in the country.
Dr Dhananjaya M V, organising secretary of NHF 2024 explained the highlights of this year and mentioned that ICAR-IIHR would like to showcase and demonstrate the latest technologies such as smart irrigation, controlled environment farming, vertical farming, optimizing resource use for enhancing crop yields, environment friendly practices for sustainable development, digital horticulture etc. for the benefit of growers, horticulturists and other stakeholders. Besides farmers consultancy, trainings and workshops on urban horticulture, soilless cultivation, hi-tech horticulture, value addition & waste utilization of flowers, farm/kitchen waste composting and home scale package & storage of fresh fruits & vegetables are also being organized for the benefit of stakeholders.

Dr Nandeesha P, Chairman, Publicity committee, NHF 2024 explained that exhibition profile cum sale consists of seeds and planting material, plant protection chemicals, farm implements, food processing and packaging, irrigation systems, green/polyhouse accessories, plant nutrients etc. from public and private organizations in more than 300 high-tech stalls. More than 50,000 farmers and other stakeholders of horticulture are expected to attend the three days event. Interested one can call 9108364672 for booking stall and helpline number 9403891704 for further information.